Care Giving Advice

Welcome to Caregiving Advice!

Caregivers are everywhere. You might not even realize you are one, or that you’ve been one. But one thing all caregivers have in common? We need resources. We need advice. We need hope.

All caregivers — no matter what age or situation — need essentially the same things:

We need someone to say, “We can help you with that,” not “You’ll figure it out.”

We need someone to say, “I understand; I’ve been there,” not “You’re strong; you’ll get through this.”

We need someone to say, “That must be so hard,” not “It will get better.”

If you can identify with any of those needs, or if you’re so new to caregiving you’re not even sure what you need, welcome. Sit and stay awhile. Find what — or who — you need, at caregiving advice