Protect your pet if something happens to you
with a daily check-in call from Iamfine

If only your pet could pick up a phone and call for help

We love our pets and know that they depend on us.  Do you wonder what would happen to them if something happened to you?

With a daily checkin-call from Iamfine you'll be reassured that your friends and family will be alerted if something happens to you.

We will call you every day at a time of your choosing to ensure you are ok. 

If, for some reason you are unable to answer our daily call then we will alert a group of people that you have previously shared with us.  They can be relatives, neighbors, a building supervisor, or even your vet.

We will let them know that we have tried to contact you, but were unsuccessful and that they should investigate.

You will have peace of mind knowing that someone will be caring for your furry friends even if you are unable to.

Protect your pet with IAMFINE daily call service

Try it out for free for 2 weeks

No credit card required

Reviews from pet owners using Iamfine 

Colleen J.
Colleen J.
What a relief my experience with IAMFINE is to me.

I have been alone for a very long time, am the last one living in my family. My main concern is my little pet cat. She has been my constant companion for nearly nine years. Should something unforeseen occur, the care of my loving little pet weighs heavy on my mind. I am so worried that she would be left alone with no food or water with no one even knowing she was in dire straights.

Now I can rest easy. “IAMFINE” monitoring my home with a daily phone call assures me that someone will notify my contacts should I not answer my phone.

The cost is a fair price to pay for peace of mind both for my welfare and that of my pet.
Jill H.
Jill H.
The service gave me peace of mind. I stopped worrying about my cats feasting on my deceased body knowing I would be found way before that happened.
Katherine D.
Katherine D.
I LOVE this service. I'm not a senior, but I do live alone with my much loved dogs. I used to worry a great deal that something could happen to me and that my dogs would suffer for days before anyone noticed I was "missing". I was so thrilled to find this service this past year, and that the technology was SO well done.

I can't even put a value on the peace of mind this service gives me. Thank you!!!!

Pets love us unconditionally. Having an animal around may reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and combat feelings of isolation especially for seniors. Read up on some of the benefits of pet ownership.