Why companion animals are great for sheltering in place

Pet Companion

Pet companions, we love ’em…  Whether big or small, feline or canine, furry friends have been people’s closest animal companions for centuries. During these uncertain times, where much of the world is still sheltering-in-place to reduce the coronavirus spread, companion animals have become as important as ever. Having a loving animal in the home can…

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Who Cares for your Pets in Case of an Emergency?

Having a plan in place brings peace of mind If you live alone, there is nothing quite as comforting as having a pet to greet you when you open the door. But, if something were to happen to you, what would become of your pet? It is important to have an emergency plan in place,…

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Adopt a Senior Pet

Thinking about getting a pet? November is Adopt a Senior Pet Month. There is no denying the benefits of pet ownership for seniors, but there are also benefits to adopting older pets even as an older adult. There is no denying how cute puppies and kittens are, but often the appeal of younger pets means…

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Check-in Call’s for Pet Owners Living Alone

Say Hello to Tillie… One of the scariest things about getting older is thinking of those you leave behind. Especially now, as more seniors reap the benefits of pet companionship, it is vital to have a plan for what will become of the pet if something happens to the owner. Daily check-in calls for Pet…

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5 Dog Breeds For Older Adults

5 Dog Breeds For Older Adults There is no denying the enrichment that dogs bring to our lives. From keeping us active to boosting our mood, dog ownership can be beneficial to people of all ages. However, these benefits may be even more apparent among seniors. So for those over the age of 65 looking…

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Benefits of Pet Ownership

Protect your pet with IAMFINE daily call service

If something happens to you, IAMFINE will help protect your pet There is nothing quite like waking up to a kiss from a four-legged friend or watching their tail wag as you come back in from checking the mail. Pets love us unconditionally. Having an animal around may reduce stress, lower blood pressure and combat…

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A story from an Iamfine user who lives alone with his pet

Living alone with your pet – what happens to them if you are incapacitated? It’s always interesting to hear from our users on how they find value in Iamfine I recently spoke with Marcus from Atlanta, Georgia. Marcus lives alone with his pet German shepherd, “Tessa”. His house is a few hundred yards from the…

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